Monday, 18 July 2016


Arambagh Sub – Division :
The present Sub-Division was formed in 1879. It was known as Jahanabad Sub-Division as the headquarter of the Sub-Division was the town of Jahanabad. On 19th April, 1900 the name of Jahanabad was changed to Arambagh which means the garden of ease and comfort. The name owes its origin to an outstanding garden called Arambagh owned by the family of Miyan.
Our great social reformer Raja Rammohon Roy was born at village Radhanagar in Khanakul P.S. which is under Arambagh Sub-Division. So far it is known, Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay was the Sib-Divisional Officer of Jahanabad in the year 1892 while hewrote the novel "Durgeshnandini". The great noble lady Bhagabati Debi, the mother of Pandit Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar was born at village Goghat under this Sub-Division. Pandit Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar was also born at village "Birshingha" which was also earlier included under Arambagh Sub-Division, now under District Paschim Midnapore. Kamarpukur, the birth place of Sri Sri Ramkrishna Paramhanshadeb falls in this Sub-Division.

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